Learn With Us
Education is the core of our beliefs. At the Islamic Society of Algester we proudly provide Islamic education to our youth through our Madrasah and Hifz programs. To enrol, simply fill out and send the enrolment forms to Moulana Nawaaz, details below. ​​
You can download the enrolment form by clicking the button below!​
How to Enrol
Madrasah enrolments for 2025 are now open.
Enrolment in the Madrasah at the Islamic Society of Algester is made simple. All you have to do is download the enrolment form above, fill in the details and return it by email to mzimageislam@gmail.com.
Madrasah Details:
Madrassah for 2025 commences on 29/01/25
Classes run on Monday, Wednesdays and Friday from 4.15pm to 6.15pm
Children must be 6 years or older as at 31st March of the current year.
Madrasah fees are set at $600 per annum per child, and can be paid up front or as monthly instalments of $50.
Once you have submitted the enrolment forms, you have 3 payment options available. You can pay via Eftpos or directly to the Imaams. You can also complete a bank transfer to the following bank account after you have sent through the enrolment form.
Banking Details:
Commonwealth Bank
BSB : 064 001
ACC : 1049 4665
Ref: Student Name + Grade
What is a Madrasah?
A Madrasah is an Islamic school often focused on providing education in religious studies. Madrasahs play an important role in the Islamic world, as they provide a place for young Muslims to learn about their faith and acquire a formal education.
The importance of Madrasahs lies in their role in providing education and religious instruction to young Muslims and in helping to preserve and transmit Islamic knowledge and traditions from one generation to the next.
The Islamic Society of Algester welcomes children of a wide range of ages to join in our classes.